organic food

beauty boosting foods

Foods that Boost Your Summer Beauty


You want gorgeous skin and hair, but it’s not just the products you use that can achieve this. Your food choices play a big role in making you look your best. One of your New Year’s Resolutions should be to add more of these beauty-boosting foods to your diet so that you can say hello to brighter skin and thicker hair.


Five of the Worst Food Additives to Avoid


The word ‘additive’ sounds harmless enough. It makes you think that it was just some extra and important ingredient thrown into your food at the last minute to enrich it. These days it seems that there are so many additives appearing in foods, but what do they really do? Although benign sounding, additives are often bad news. Here are some of the most important food additives to avoid the next time you go grocery shopping.

spring superfoods

Five Spring Energy Superfoods


Just because the weather is warmer, it doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed of instantly feeling energetic. If it feels like you’re still carrying the hibernation desire of winter, here are five superfoods to boost your energy and give you that spring feeling.