7 Steps to an eco garden

Now that summer has arrived those of us with ´green fingers´ will be spending many an hour outdoors in the garden, so we´ve compiled a list of 7 steps to take to harvesting an eco-friendlier and water wise garden.

1. Right Plant, Right Place

To create the healthiest garden possible, put the right plant in the right place. Plants that are growing in the most appropriate conditions have the best possible chance to thrive. Conversely, plants in distress will shut down or try to divert precious energy, all in an effort to survive.

Often our misguided solution is to pour on the fertilizer or pesticide, when all that was probably needed was to change the plant´s location to the proper setting.

2. Feed the Soil

Healthy soil is alive with a complex array of creatures that all play a vital role in water uptake, nutrient availability, soil drainage and moisture retention. Feeding the soil means providing natural amendments like compost, aged manure and organic matter to fortify what´s already there, and fuel a nutrient-rich ecosystem to sustain future needs.

3. Mulch, Mulch, Mulch

One of the easiest ways to make our garden less dependant on water and chemicals is to mulch generously. Applying about a three-inch layer around your trees and plants acts like an insulating barrier that helps retain moisture, moderates soil temperatures and suppresses weeds. In addition, a protective mulch barrier blocks many soil-dwelling diseases from splashing up onto foliage and infecting plants.

Whether you buy mulch in bulk or by the bag, it´s a great investment that does so much. Even as it breaks down, it´s improving your soil with valuable organic matter.

4. Water Deeply, Infrequently, and Responsibly

With a looming worldwide water crisis, one of our worst offenses at being more eco-friendly is how we waste water in our gardens and landscapes. More plants die from over-watering than under. Plants respond more favorably to infrequent, deep watering, as close to the root zone as possible, rather than short applications often. Deep watering promotes deep root growth, which in turn promotes more vigorous top growth and a more drought-tolerant plant.

5. If Using Chemicals, Act Responsibly

By applying the steps mentioned so far, you´ll eliminate many problems that would otherwise require chemical intervention. Yet quite often the bigger problem with using chemicals lies with the person applying them. We incorrectly believe that if a little is good, more is better. If, when using chemicals, you simply stick to the label instructions, keep on target and use them only as a last resort, you´d be making a big improvement to a more sustainable landscape. And if you have pets and children be extra careful (especially during school holidays when they might be unsupervised in the garden), make sure both have no access to wherever you apply the chemicals.

6. Select Tools That Don´t Pollute

We gardeners work hard to promote so much beauty; in the process we do a lot of not-so-pretty things to the environment, including using tools that spew plenty of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Lawn mowers, weed eaters and leaf blowers are some of the biggest culprits. Fortunately, battery-operated and electric models are now formidable replacements, and there are plenty to choose from.

Even manual reel-mowers have made a strong comeback lately. These human-powered machines are quiet, simple and have a no-fuss ease of operation – not to mention you get a workout at the same time!

7. Manage Horticultural Waste Properly

Being a greener gardener also means making wise decisions when disposing of horticultural waste such as plastic pots, yard debris and chemicals. One of the biggest culprits in greenhouse gas emissions comes from landfills. And according to the USDA, about 65 percent of any landfill is unnecessary because it can be composted or recycled. Moreover, 25 percent comes from compostable yard debris and kitchen scraps.

So as you do your part to green your garden while protecting the planet, remember to consider everything that leaves your property, too. There are plenty of other ways you can garden in a more environmentally responsible way, but starting with one or all of the steps above will get you well on your way to making a big difference!

Source: www.joegardener.com

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