Carbon Fast in Lent 2010

What to give up for lent that will help the environment

Senior bishops are calling for a cut in personal carbon use for each of the 40 days of Lent. Their list of ways to achieve this includes eating less meat, flushing the toilet less often and cutting vegetables thinner so they cook faster.

But one of their tougher challenges is to give up technology such as television, mobiles and iPods for one day. The “Carbon Fast” , organised every year by development agency Tearfund, even suggests giving up technology for a day every month of the year and giving the money to charity.

The Bishop of Liverpool, the Rt Rev James Jones, who first had the idea of the Carbon Fast, urged people to give the money saved from not using technology to people in the developing world. It is also backed by the Bishop of London, the Rt Rev Richard Chartres

The Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Rev John Pritchard, said giving up technology would help people to think of others less fortunate than themselves.

Lent is a period when we should look at how we live our lives,” he said. “Giving up chocolate is a symbol of that but giving up technology is a more serious way of looking at the issues that face us as a global community. It is a statement [of solidarity] with a world that does not have that ability to communicate the way we can and a reminder to us that perhaps we may have got beyond ourselves in terms of our own consumption of technology. We have galloped forward so fast maybe we have out-run our global responsibility in doing that.”

The Carbon Fast is also backed by leading scientists such as Sir John Houghton, former Chief Executive of the Meteorological Office and figures in the religious arena such as Joel Edwards, a former faith adviser to Tony Blair and the International Director of Micah Challenge and Steve Clifford, General Director of the Evangelical Alliance.

The Church of England backs the Carbon Fast and last year the Roman Catholic Church called on followers to cut down on texting and other forms of communication in the run up to Easter.

The Bishop of Oxford, who uses a blackberry, mobile phone and emails everyday, said he will struggle this Lent. But he insisted we all need to concentrate on more “face to face” communication.

It is a real reminder that life in the slow lane at least some of the time would have real benefits for our mental, emotional and spiritual health,” he added.

Other carbon fast actions include:

  • Have a technology fast. Try a day with no TV, no iPod, no computer, and even no mobile. Why not set aside a technology fast day each month?
  • Check your flush. Do you need to always flush the loo? Get a device from your water company to save water when you flush the toilet.
  • Be a part-time veggie. Aim to eat at least two vegetarian meals every week.
  • Avoid excess idling and hard acceleration to cut back on emissions when you are driving.
  • Make do and mend rather than buying new clothes.
  • Give up conventional detergents and replace with natural detergents.
  • Give up plastic bags. Take you own re-usable bags when grocery shopping.
  • Give up buying bottled water. Rather use a re-uasable aluminum or stainess steel bottle.
  • Give up paper towels.
  • Dry your laundry outside on the washing line – there is nothing better than sundried laundry!
  • Start composing food waste and growing your own fruit and vegetables.
  • Arrange a swapping party with friends. Exchange clothes, DVDs, CDs, jewellery and bags so everyone gets something new without a trip to the shops.
  • Try skinny food. Choosing thin pasta and cutting meat and vegetables smaller will mean they’ll cook faster and use less energy.
  • Eat by candlelight. How many rooms do you light in the evenings? Turn out the lights and have a meal by candlelight.
  • Take the train where possible rather than flying. 
  • Switch to recycled toilet paper.
  • Give up dry cleaning.
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Source: The Telegraph


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