AussieBum Monkeys Around With World’s First Undies Made From Bananas

Is that a banana in your underwear, or are you just excited by eco-fashion?

The answer is both.

AussieBum has recently announced its release of a new eco-friendly line of men’s underwear made with 27% banana fiber (made from the bark weave of the plant), 64% organic cotton, and 9% Lycra. This combo, according to company spokesman Lloyd Jones, makes for a fabric that’s lightweight yet absorbent. This is a world-first, according to the company.

Why only 27% banana fiber? “Naturally, you can’t really add anymore banana fiber than that because it might be a bit squishy,” says company spokesman Lloyd Jones. Eeeew!

Organic cotton + bark weave of the banana plant + hot Australian male models = way too much potential for bad jokes and puns, but still, a winning combination! If these eco-friendly skivvies don’t immediately apPEAL to you, check out this monkey business below (maybe not while you’re at the office). Why am I suddenly hungry for bananas…?

It brings a whole new meaning to the words ´banana hammock´

Source: Triplepundit


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