Vegetarian Fitness

If you’re a vegetarian/vegan and gym enthusiast, you might worry that the combination doesn’t work. Are you really getting enough protein to build muscle? It’s easier than you think to build muscle and get fit if you’re not a meat eater.

How much protein do you need?

According to Livestrong, The Institute of Medicine recommends 0.8g of protein per kilo of body weight per day. However, if you exercise regularly, you may need a bit more.

What to eat

Make sure you eat a large variety of protein for the intake of essential amino acids (those are the building blocks of protein that are needed for muscle growth). But more important than how much protein you eat is where you’re getting your daily intake of protein. You should include three sources of vegan protein to your diet: cereals, nuts and seeds, and legumes. Go one step further and combine different sources so you get your protein requirements. Combinations can include black beans and rice, almond milk and oats, or sandwiches with peanut butter, for example.

Shake it up

Protein shakes and powders are a good supplement if you’re vegan because they are an easy way to get your daily recommended protein. Find a shake that is soy based but read the ingredients to make sure that it contains no animal products! Shakes are convenient because they’re ready to consume, while powders can be mixed with juice.

Work out right

Lifting weights is a must for building muscle, but make sure you lift weights in short but intense sessions because a vegan diet could prevent your body from recovering from exercise as quickly as meat-eating athletes. Only lift weight for sessions of up to 45 minutes. Make sure you lift heavy weights with low repetitions for maximum muscle growth. You know you’re lifting enough when your muscles feel tired, usually around six to eight reps.

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