Look Good During Your Daily Commute with Levi’s

levis commuter jeans

For all you male cyclists out there, Levi’s Commuter Jeans are your new best friend! Levi’s new Commuter Line is designed to bring comfort, durability, and style together. The performance fabric and functional details cover all the essentials a commuter cyclist might need. The reflective 3M Scotchilite tape on the interior cuffs allows for easy folding and safe reflection. It can be a hazard, not to mention a pain when the bottom section of your jeans gets tangled in the chain. As a solution we all roll or fold the ankle portion of the jeans. Levi’s decided they would help make our lives easier by designing a jeans leg, which folds without effort.

One male blogger wrote, “Jean shopping is probably the bane of my existence. The Levi’s Commuter line is nothing short of super awesome.” He goes on to write about how his jeans usually blow out in the knees from constant pedaling but the Levi’s design is durable enough to withstand all the common beatings jeans usually take.

During the Cape Town Moonlight Mass Bike Ride, a Levi’s film crew joined in on the fun. The Moonlight Mass Ride was started by a small group of friends and now it is a large Cape Town community casual night ride. Levi’s found the idea and the group of people to be spontaneous and fun. They went on a mission and found a random local 23-year-old male, Grant Kruger who was wearing the skinny leg Levi’s commuter jeans. They asked if they could follow him for the night to film. It turned out to be a crazy night adventure in the city but as a result Levi’s made an out of this world video on the Cape Town Moonlight Mass Ride and their new line. Check out the video below, it is worth every second.

Event | Levi’s Commuter Day – Cape Town | Critical Mass + Moonlight Mass. from we-are-awesome on Vimeo.

Before you hop on your bicycle for a steamy ride around the city or to University make sure you’re riding in style with Levi’s Commuter jeans.

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