Avant Garde object Winner Announced

avant garde object eco design competition

On Saturday the winners of Avant Garde object 2012 were announced at The Green Expo. First place goes to Trace van Wijk for her melted bottle top bowl.

Avant Garde object 2012 winner – Trace van Wijk

Tracey wins herself a Nokia N9 smartphone and 3 months worth of free Vida e Caffe. In 2nd place is Amy Child with her paper clip inspired Aztec coat check. Amy wins a weekend away at The Old Mac Daddy Luxury Trailer park in Elgin.

Amy Child – 2nd place

3rd place goes to Leigh-Anne Goodale. Leigh Anne wins spa vouchers from Ways of Wellness spa.

Leigh-Anne Goodale – 3rd place

Congratulations again to all our winners, your objects were eco chic and caught many an eye over the weekend at the expo. Special mention also goes out to the following students for their work:  Li-Ya Wu, Meike Rubow, Dorivaldo Pina and Lianel Ackerman.

Dorivaldo Pina
Dorivaldo Pina’s coffee table/storage boxes


Meike Rubow
Meike Rubow’s magazine coffee table


Li-Ya Wu
Li-Ya Wu’s “e”


Lianel Ackerman
Lianel Ackerman’s hangar bench

Thanks again to the awesome Design Time team who did such a great job with our stands at The Green Expo, you guys were fab! We can’t wait to start working on the brief for 2013! avant garde object

avant garde object
Our beautiful Avant Garde object stand at the Green Expo

Trace enjoying her 5 mins of fame with the eXpresso crew! Catch eXpresso on  04 December for all the behind the scenes of Avant Garde object 2012.




Image credit: SDR Photo


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