Bradley Cooper Dons Eco Fashion at the Golden Globes

eco fashion golden globes

The “Silver Linings” star is this year’s first major actor to wear eco fashion on the red carpet and participate in Livia Frith’s 2013 Green Carpet Challenge.

Livia Firth’s Green Carpet Challenge kicked off its fourth year on Sunday night with the surprise recruitment of actor Bradley Cooper to wear a sustainable design to the 2013 Golden Globe Awards.

The 38-year-old “Silver Linings” star donned a two piece “eco-tux” by Tom Ford made from OEKO-TEX® certified, low environmental impact, European spun and woven wool suiting. Cooper joins such notables as Javier Bardem, Colin Firth, Kenneth Branagh and Demian Bichir who have all gone green on the red carpet.

eco fashion golden globes

“One of the names we are proudest of working with is Tom Ford,” writes Firth on her Eco-Age site, “something of a mentor to us in our quest to merge ethics with aesthetics; he really ‘gets it’. He will never compromise and that’s what we love about him. It’s a sure-fire way of making sustainability raise its game.”


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