Eco Alternatives to Dry Cleaning

eco alternatives to dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is certainly not the greenest way to clean your clothes, but there are some better ideas that are better for your garments – and your health.

Dry cleaning makes use of chemicals, such as perchloroethylene (PERC) that is a solvent used in spot removers and paint strippers. It can lead to headaches, difficulties with colour vision and decreased motor skills. It also leaks out of your dry-cleaned clothing, remaining in your home air. The next time you need to clean your dirty clothes, consider these alternatives:

1. Get Steamed!

Steam is a good method to clean up your dirty clothes, especially when it comes to your delicate items. Place them in your dryer along with a wet washcloth. Opt for using a normal washing cycle. If you want a nice scent, add drops of your favourite essential oil. With a clothing steamer, gently steam your cothes. The heat is great for dealing with odour and bacteria.

2. Give it a Hand

If you still can’t get rid of a stain, give it a good wash by hand. Not only is this better than the harsh chemicals that are used in the dry-cleaning process, but hand-washing will save electricity because you won’t use your washing machine or your dryer, rather making use of the sun outside. It’s good to know that not all clothes that say ‘dry clean only’ need to be cleaned in this way. Some fabrics are more hand-wash friendly than others, though. They include cashmeres, light-coloured silks and wools.

3. Shop Wisely

The next time you go clothing shopping, be clever about what you buy. If you choose clothes that don’t require dry cleaning, you can look after them in chemical-free, low-maintenance ways. ‘Wash and wear’ rules!

4. Slash Stains Fast

Oil-based stains can be really tough to erase, but treating them as fast as possible can solve the problem and mean that you don’t require more intensive cleaning. Chemically-free detergent applied to a stain before washing the entire garment can be all you need to prevent dry cleaning.

Green Dry Cleaning?

There have been claims of organic dry cleaning options that make use of hydrocarbons, but that doesn’t always mean they’re safer. Hydrocarbons are petroleum-based solvents that cause greenhouse gases. So bear it in mind that ‘organic’ dry cleaning could still be using harmful chemicals you don’t want in the air, your clothes or your home. 

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