Stella McCartney Joins the List of Forest-friendly Designers

stella mccartney forest-friendly

To celebrate Earth Day on the 22nd April, the Stella McCartney brand announced that it will be joining the likes of Zara & H&M on Canopy’s Fashion Loved by Forest Campaign which promotes not using endangered forests for the production of viscose.

Stella McCartney has pledged to ensure that all its cellulose fibers meet “strict sustainability standards” by 2017.

“Quite simply, we will ensure that the raw materials used to make our viscose do not continue to aid harmful deforestation,” the company says in a statement.

Seeing the wood for the trees

All of the wood used in Stella McCartney accessories is also sustainability certified as well as all the wooden floors in stores. “It is important to us to always try to source and use wood with a sustainability accreditation. The sustainable forestry certification organisations are dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests. Forests provide us with clean water and air, anchor soil in watersheds and produce fuel, food, medicine and resources such as timber as well as being the habitat for the majority of the worlds’ birds and animals. These organisations work to manage and sustain the biodiversity of the world’s forests as well as protect the people who live and work within them.”

If Meat-free Mondays wasn’t enough the above should give you further reason to support the Stella McCartney brand.

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