U.S Passes Bill to Ban Sale of Elephant Ivory & Rhino Horn


Last week, New Jersey in the U.S’s legislature took a brave step against elephant poaching, by passing a bill that eliminates the trade in ivory and rhinoceros horn. Commended by Born Free USA, the bill is an act of responsibility, as the United States has the second largest ivory market in the world. New Jersey’s move is significant, as the port of Newark is a hub for illegal wildlife trade.

The bill, introduced by Senator Raymond Lesniak (D-20) and Assemblyman Raj Mukherji (D-33), shows that even from New Jersey, it can directly impact the illegal poaching of elephants in Africa by banning the import of ivory. Along with rhinoceros horns, which are often used in traditional Chinese medicine, the bill will help to bolster animal welfare and wildlife conservation.

As Born Free USA sites, the crisis of elephant poaching is on the rise, resulting in more than 86,000 elephant deaths since January of 2012. At this rate, African elephants in the wild will be extinct within ten years. Black rhinos are also endangered- with fewer then 5,000 left.

New Jersey’s Port Newark-Elizabeth is a major hub for this illegal wildlife trafficking, not only endangering animals, but also encouraging organized crime. This new bill will not only protect these animals, but also the citizens involved with illegal trade and smuggling. The bill will close loopholes in ivory commerce, taking the crime very seriously.

via Ecouterre

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