Great Hair Hacks


Nothing is quite as frustrating as YouTube’ing “how to make a simple hair bun” and then getting lost in a flood of 15 minute+ tutorials that are hard to follow and require a Checkers bag full of tools and accessories. Getting ready for work or a night out already involves a lot of planning and logistics, so it’s worth your while to know a few hair hacks that really work and will save you a lot of time during your makeup and hair routine:

Bobby pins – you’re using them wrong

Whether you did ballet from age 5 or simply want to tame an unruly piece of hair – everyone has used bobby pins at some point or the other. Chances are that you’ve been using them wrong. Instead of opening the pin and pushing the flat part against your scalp, turn the bobby pin upside down (so that the curved, bumpy side is against your scalp) for better grip.


Use dry shampoo the night before, not the morning of

The arrival of dry shampoos in Dischems and Clicks’ near you is something that was not only needed but necessary for survival. The only problem with dry shampoo is that in its effort to remove greasy shine, it can easily leave a white, powdery residue in your hair. It can also easily look like dandruff if you start rubbing and combing it out when you’re already wearing your work blazer or dark clothes. A great tip is to put dry shampoo in your hair the night before instead of the morning before work. The tossing and turning in bed will help the powder work into your hair throughout the night.

Use eye shadow to make your hair look thicker

While women don’t have as much as a problem with baldness as men, many of us start losing hair around the forehead at one point or another. In order to make your hair appear thicker, dust an eye shadow the same colour as your hair down the part of your hair and on top of thinning sections around your face for a thicker, fuller look.

There you have it – three super-quick, easy hair hacks that actually work!

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