Dirty Denim Exposed in Upcoming Documentary “RiverBlue”


Fashion is killing our rivers

Few items of clothing are as versatile and iconic as the blue jean. Billions of these closet chameleons are made every year, many at a cost to the world’s once-pristine rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. RiverBlue, an upcoming Canadian documentary, follows renowned river conservationist Mark Angelo as he paddles down waterways such as the Yamuna River in India, the Pearl River Delta in China, and the Citarum River in Indonesia to reveal jean manufacturing’s poisonous toll, as well as the impact these polluted waterways have on the people who rely on them most. Ecouterre sat down with RiverBlue director David McIlvride to discuss the film’s exploration into the dark side of denim, read the full interview here.

Our next war will not be over oil but rather water.



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