Nail Polish that Changes Colour When Exposed to Date Rape Drugs

undercover colors

Could a manicure save you from a sexual assault? Four male students at North Carolina State University are attempting to put an end to date rape with a nail polish called Undercover Colors, that changes color when exposed to “drug-assisted assault” or “date rape” drugs such as gamma hydroxybutyrate and rohypnol, both of which are odorous, colorless, and can be slipped into a drink and ingested without the recipient’s knowledge

They aim to protect their loved ones and women who may not have anyone present to watch out for them, according to Undercover Colors’ Facebook page.

“In the U.S., 18% of women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. That’s almost one out of every five women in our country. We may not know who they are, but these women are not faceless. They are our daughters, they are our girlfriends, and they are our friends.”

The varnish is an innovative step towards more effective systems of rape prevention in bars and at parties. The company calls itself the “first fashion company working to prevent sexual assault.”

When wearing the polish, women can test their drink by stirring it with their finger. The company hopes to make would-be rapists fear the potential repercussions of being caught trying to drug a woman.

“Through this nail polish and similar technologies, we hope to make potential perpetrators afraid to spike a woman’s drink because there’s now a risk that they can get caught. In effect, we want to shift the fear from the victims to the perpetrators.”

Madan, Gray, Von Windheim, and Confrey-Maloney aren’t the only ones who think this is a good idea. In addition to winning the N.C. State Entrepreneurship Initiative–sponsored Lulu eGames this spring, Undercover Colors has secured $100,000 from investors to test and refine the prototype.

“Our goal is to invent technologies that empower women to protect themselves from this heinous and quietly pervasive crime,” the founders add.

Via Elite Daily

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