Trendy Seasonal Flowers to Use in Your Wedding

eco wedding tips
Choosing flowers that are in season will not only reduce your wedding costs but also decreases your carbon miles because you won't have to try to get those flowers from elsewhere.

Flowers, flowers everywhere! They’re one of the most important wedding decisions you’ll make because they set the theme and give everything a dream-like effect. But when you’re going to town with the perfect bunches and bouquets for your big day, make sure you choose seasonal flowers.

Choosing flowers that are in season will not only reduce your wedding costs but also decreases your carbon miles because you won’t have to try to get those flowers from elsewhere. So, take the colours you would want for your flowers into account and choose seasonal flowers according to that.

Seasonal Flowers in SA

What flowers are in season when?  Check out this link to find a bunch of flowers available to you in the different seasons. Right now in summer, some of the prettiest picks include daisies, daffodils, tiger lilies, jasmine and azaleas. Remember that there are also flowers which are available throughout the year, so you’re safe and elegant with choices such as roses, orchids and carnations.

Other Wedding Flower Tips

Now that you know what flowers to choose to make your big day extra special, bear in mind these other flower tips to keep things green:

1. Reduce!

Lower the amount of flowers you need. Do you really need arrangements if your wedding is outside? Rather let the natural beauty of the environment speak for itself. Likewise, don’t clutter tables at your reception with lots of floral centrepieces as this will not only waste flowers but lose effect. If you have to, make the number of tables smaller or opt for planted flowers, such as orchids.

2. Donate!

What happens to your gorgeous flowers when the wedding is over? Don’t let them dry up and die. Donate them to guests – they make wonderful wedding favours – or to a local hospital or hospice. Allow the joy of your big day to spread to other people.

3. Fake it!

Don’t be afraid to use fake flowers at your wedding. Sneak them in to prevent using fresh flowers too much. For instance, they could be used for centrepieces, your hair, or even your bouquet – silk or cotton bouquets look exquisite. Faux flowers are also a great idea if you’re allergic to the real thing without making you miss out on beauty.

Image credit: Flickr Creative Commons

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