Five Green Ways to Beat Holiday Stress

holidat stress
It’s not always easy to say no to someone, especially when it’s the most giving time of the year. But you need to be sure that you don’t stretch yourself out too thin as this is a common cause of stress.

The holidays can be a stressful time but you don’t have to let those feelings wreak havoc on your body. There are some simple yet effective green ways to deal with difficulties this holiday season. So when you feel yourself getting agitated, try these on for size.

Walk Away

Walking is a great way to beat stress because it’s repetitive: you feel your feet doing the same thing over and over again. Any repetitive task has a calming effect on your brain, so try it out. The added bonus of walking is that you can step out into nature, feel the sun on your shoulders, or look up at the stars, which is sure to give you some perspective while helping you take a deep, cleansing breath.

Say No

It’s not always easy to say no to someone, especially when it’s the most giving time of the year. But you need to be sure that you don’t stretch yourself out too thin as this is a common cause of stress. Make a list of priorities and stick to them, not forgetting to put yourself on the list too. Perhaps instead of attending another Christmas party with people you don’t really even know, book in a soothing massage to recharge your batteries before the next task on your to-do list. If you can’t say no for yourself, think about how the environment can benefit from it. For instance, by not going to that event or party, you reduce carbon miles.

Replace Coffee with Green Tea

Green tea will still give you a caffeine boost, but it will also enhance relaxation. This is thanks to an ingredient called L-theanine, known as the anti-stress chemical. Added to this, research has found that it helps to decrease blood pressure as well as your heart rate. So it’s worth stocking up on green tea this season!

Take a Sniff

You don’t always have hours in the day with which to do what you love, especially if you have children. But you really don’t need to do a lot to relax. A bathroom break is the perfect time to apply your favourite moisturiser or spritz on a fragrance. Make sure you choose products that smell invigorating so they will also boost your mood. An example is citrus, such as grapefruit. Studies found that it induces calm, plus it is so delicious it will make you feel good again.

Build a Relaxation Corner (Or Room)

You know how the minute you step into a certain room, you feel good or stressed out? Use the fact that our surroundings affect us to your advantage by creating your own relaxation room or corner. Clear out the energy-draining clutter and fill the space with colours, textures, pictures and scents that make you feel good. Perhaps a comfortable chair can come in handy, too. Creating this area doesn’t have to take lots of time and it will be a helpful de-stressing pit-stop before you continue with your day.

Image credit: djoronimo / Dollar Photo Club 

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