The ´Recession´ – Never a Better Time To Go Green

While the current recession is not a good thing for the economies of the world, there is a silver lining here! The dreaded recession has actually been kind to the environment as it has forced people and families to rethink their consumption choices and many households are going green as a result.

Take for example a friend of mine who as a result of financial pressure become a re-usable nappy convert! Did you know that the average child will cost you nearly R9 000 on disposable nappies, if they wear roughly 6 nappies a day from birth until 2.5 years old! When she told me that statistic my mouth literally dropped to the floor… that is a terrifyingly large amount to be spending on something you use for a few hours and then discard into the dustbin which ultimately lands up in a landfill somewhere never to leave the face of the earth. The money alone should be enough to convert one down the natural, re-usable route.

Cloth nappies will cost you about R2 500 + give or take another R1 000 on water, electricity and washing powder. You may end up spending more upfront but in the long run it makes financial sense and you can use the extra savings for your child´s education instead or perhaps that luxury recycled handbag you´ve had your eye on…!

So take the good out of the bad and use this difficult financial time to slow things down a bit – enjoy the warmer weather and walk or bike to the shops instead of driving, you´ll spend less on petrol and help the environment while getting a tan, just be sure to apply sunscreen before heading outdoors.

Enjoy the simple things in life again…



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