Fashion Revolution Day April 2014

fashion revolution day

On 24th April 2013, 1133 people were killed and over 2500 people were injured when the Rana Plaza factory complex collapsed in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The catastrophes in our fashion supply chain continue. Fashion Revolution Day says enough is enough. Please mark 24 April 2014 in your diaries now. This is Fashion Revolution Day when industry leaders, factory workers, producers, campaigners, academics, press, consumers, cotton farmers – everyone we can think of – will come together to commemorate the first anniversary of the collapse, remember the victims of Rana Plaza and change our fashion future. Fashion Revolution Day is an opportunity to celebrate fashion as a positive influence, raise awareness of the fashion industry’s most pressing issues and show that change is possible. It will rally the high street, the high end, the innovators, the media, the public, the activists, the makers, the wearers – and everyone in between. This year’s Fashion Revolution Day will simply ask, Who Made Your Clothes? We want everybody to show their support for better connections and transparency across the fashion supply chain.

fashion revolution day

Fashion Revolution Day promises to be one of the very few truly global campaigns to emerge this century

fashion revolution day

The campaign’s CALL TO ACTION on 24th April 2014 is for everyone to wear an item of clothing inside out, to take a picture and then post it, instagram, facebook and tweet it like crazy. Founder of Fashion Revolution, Carry Somers says “Fashion Revolution Day has already gathered incredible momentum on a global scale. We have been inundated with fashion industry leaders, consumers, celebrities, media all wanting to mark the occasion and revolutionise the industry. It represents a really exciting opportunity to reconnect fashion-lovers with the people who made their clothes”. Upcycling pioneer, Orsola de Castro says “With one simple gesture, #insideout, we want you to ask: “Who Makes My Clothes?” this action will encourage people to imagine the ‘thread’ from the garment to the machinist that sewed it and all the way down to the farmer that grew the cotton it was made from”. “Fashion Revolution Day promises to be one of the very few truly global campaigns to emerge this century” says Baroness Young of Hornsey who set up the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Ethics and Sustainability in Fashion. @Fash_Rev

fashion revolution day


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