How Berries Can Help You Lose Weight

When adding berries to your diet, bear in mind that they should always be organic.

You know that berries are full of antioxidants that fight free radicals, keeping your body better protected against illness. But berries can also help you shed the pounds. Here’s why these superfoods can help you achieve your weight-loss goals.

They’re High in Fibre

High-fibre foods are important when you want to lose weight because they keep you feeling satisfied, meaning you won’t feel the need to reach for snacks throughout the day. Berries, especially blackberries and raspberries, are great sources of fibre so add them to your morning cereal or yogurt to keep you feeling fuller for longer.

They’re Good For Your Metabolism

Not just delicious, strawberries boost your metabolism by increasing a hormone in your body that stimulates it while keeping your appetite at bay. Other berries that help to keep your metabolism high are raspberries, cherries and blueberries. The reason is because they contain antioxidants known as anthocyanins. These give berries their bright colours and encourage your body to create less of a hormone called adiponectin, so that you experience lower glucose levels and less cravings, while having higher metabolism.

They Kill Fat

Blueberries are also great for keeping fat out of the picture. They are especially great for fat accumulated around your midsection. Research has found that eating lots of blueberries actually changes the way your body stores sugar and later processes it for energy. This helps to decrease fat from your belly.

When adding berries to your diet, bear in mind that they should always be organic. This is because they are often noted as some of the produce most containing pesticides and toxins. An example is strawberries, which made it into the fourth spot on this year’s Dirty Dozen list. Along with some other fruits, it was found that a single sample of strawberries contained 13 different pesticides.

Image credit: Flickr Creative Commons

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