

Host the Perfect Banting Braai


At this point in time, everyone knows what banting is and has at least one friend who follows the Tim Noakes’ diet religiously. Luckily, meat is on the green (go!) list so most of the meat that you will serve at your braai is A-OK among banters. The difficulty is preparing desserts and side dishes that don’t include carbohydrates or sugar. Here are a few suggestions:

spring superfoods

Five Spring Energy Superfoods


Just because the weather is warmer, it doesn’t mean that you’re guaranteed of instantly feeling energetic. If it feels like you’re still carrying the hibernation desire of winter, here are five superfoods to boost your energy and give you that spring feeling.


Can You Detox Your Body Naturally?


Going on a detox can restore your body’s balance and flush out toxins, but sometimes detox diets can be unsafe. If the ones you’ve tried in the past have made you feel sick, you’ve been doing the detox wrong. There are more natural detox tips to choose that will boost your health and make you feel great.

fast foods

‘Healthy’ Fast Foods to Avoid


With the number of vegans increasing all over the world, more fast food restaurants are adding vegetarian/vegan foods to their menus. This can be great even if you aren’t following those lifestyles but want more nutritious fast foods when you’re in a hurry. The catch: although the foods are delicious, it doesn’t always mean they’re healthy for you.


Strong is the New Skinny


Whether you’re on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or all three, you’ve undoubtedly seen the “fitness motivation” pictures that pop up in your social media news feeds. “Strong is the new skinny” is the latest saying, encouraging women to focus on health and strength instead of starvation diets and wafer-thin frames.